Your one stop postpartum shop

The Maker


I'd always been the crafty sort and loved hand making things - jewelry, cross-stitch, painting, dream catchers - you name it!  In high school, a dear elderly friend, Aletha, taught me how to hand sew cathedral quilts.  My first one took an entire semester to make, and that was with her stitching most of it!  (My second is still in the closet, unfinished, haha!)

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I borrowed my great-grandmother's sewing machine often over the rest of my schooling years, enjoying the faster paced sewing.  It wasn't until my late 20's that I was able to get my own sewing machine, and that's when the passion for clothing making was born.

After having my daughter Astrid in 2017, I began making her clothing as well as nursing clothes for myself.  All of a sudden, I began getting compliments on the uniqueness of my creations, and was even being asked if people could have some for themselves!  So, after several months of research on the labeling and business requirements of handmade clothing, Yawning Mama was born.

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It was a long road, but in August of 2018 I officially launched Yawning Mama.  We're a family owned business run by a mother, with the helping (and sometimes hurting) hands of a toddler and husband, haha! 

In early 2019 I expanded to create CPSC compliant children's clothing as well.  So take a look around and check out the fun things I create!
